World Day for Health & Safety at Work

28 April is the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, established in order to increase global awareness about workplace safety. For ADE Consulting, this means first and foremost acknowledging the importance of air quality in the workplace. We are dedicated to monitoring working environments, protecting employees from health hazards ranging from dust particles to asbestos and chemical pollutants.

Because in Australia asbestos has been a popular choice for insulation and fireproofing, exposure to this material is still common. Not only is it a risk in the older commercial buildings, but even a newer construction may become contaminated from other sources, such as nearby buildings undergoing renovation. This is why testing air quality is essential for creating and preserving a healthy work environment. Our environmental consultants perform investigations and determine the exposure to dangerous materials, pollutants and other elements that affect health and productivity.

On the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, we join the Australian employers and professionals preoccupied with occupational health and renew our commitment to help businesses create a safe working environment for their employees.