NorthConnex M1-M2 Link

ADE has been involved in the completion of a broad scope of works associated with the Lend Lease Bouygues Joint Venture – NorthConnex project since 2015, until its completion in 2020. ADE provided Contaminated Land consulting services across former industrial and residential sites. ADE was involved in the completion of Preliminary Site Investigations (PSI), Details Site Investigations (DSI) and Validation reports, as well as accomplishing over 60 Hazardous Materials Surveys throughout the project footprint.
ADE, on behalf of the client, successfully submitted an application to the NSW EPA for a site-specific resource recovery exemption.
The exemption enabled the diversion of a significant volume of soil materials from landfill, providing a large cost-saving for the client. ADE was able to efficiently and cost-effectively sample sites and provide an alternative disposal method for soils which would have otherwise ended up in landfill.

Where appropriate, ADE sought to characterise and validate materials to remain on-site. ADE’s role concerning spoil management and advice relating to the disposal of materials resulted in specific cost savings across a broad range of areas within the project.
The services that ADE was engaged in for this project include:
Material Management (ENM & VENM characterisation) |
Waste analysis and classifications for off-site disposal |
Pre and post-construction land condition assessments |
Targeted environmental investigations for various utilities and compounds |
Asbestos materials clearance inspections |
Asbestos air monitoring |
Soil characterisation assessments |