Groundwater Quality Assessment

Groundwater is one of the nation’s most important natural resources, however, due to a combination of different human activities the quality of this water can be placed at risk, potentially rendering it unsuitable for use.
Groundwater contamination is the result of either point source leakage or diffuse sources from leaking underground storage tank, ill-managed waste disposal site or the infiltration of pesticides and nutrients leaching down through the soil to the water table.
Once groundwater is contaminated, remediation can be a slow and costly process, consequently, ensuring good practice is the best way of protecting groundwater quality.
We provide two types of water quality assessment:
Groundwater Quality Assessment |
Cost effective system design to monitoring well installation and maintenance, including aquifer analyses and characterisation. This will identify the likely location/direction of any existing or potentially contaminated groundwater plume flow, assess and describe the source, type, extent and level of contamination (if present) and provide an assessment of groundwater contamination. |
Water Supply Investigations |
pH |
Temperature |
Dissolved oxygen |
Electrical conductivity (EC) |
Biological oxygen demand (BOD) |
Heavy metals |
Poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) |
Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons (TRH) |
Faecal Coliforms |
Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylene (BTEX) |
Enterococci |
Support Services
NATA Accredited Laboratories
ADE partners with ISO 17025 NATA accredited laboratories to provide high quality analytical testing services for water quality assessments.
Sampling is undertaken in accordance with EPA guidelines and the NEPM Amendment, 2013 for potential contaminants.
Andrew Mitchell
National Environmental Lead
0437 834 489
Matthew askeland
Senior Environmental Scientist & PFAS Specialist